Administrative conditions


The documents you need when you arrive at the engagement.


  •   REMINDER: The Foreign Legion does not take any steps to obtain a VISA or authorization to leave the country for candidates for enlistment.

For candidates holding the nationality of one of the countries of the SCHENGEN area or the following countries: Ireland, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Romania, United Kingdom, Monaco and Andorra, you must hold a valid or invalid national identity card or passport. 

Candidates from outside the SCHENGEN area must be in possession of a passport (only), valid or not.

  •  No school-leaving certificate required.
  •  Ability to read and write in mother tongue.
  •  Be over 17 and under 39 and a half years of age on the day of presentation at the information desk.

IMPORTANT: In order to facilitate the administrative procedures related to the engagement, you can usefully bring the following documents attesting to your past:

  • Driver's license
  • Proof of education or diplomas
  • Proof of military service (authorization to serve in a foreign army depending on the country)
  • state of identification and services for candidates who have served in the French or foreign armies
  • Bring all relevant administrative documents (residence permit, photocopy of family record book, marriage certificate, divorce certificate, birth certificate, etc.).


  • A "parental authorization" handwritten and signed by both parents, or legal guardian (s).
  • Provide photocopies of the identity documents of both parents.
  • If one or both parents are deceased, provide the supporting documents "death certificate"
  • For minor foreign applicants, the documents must be translated into French by an approved French translator.
  • If the minor is emancipated he must provide the certified document.
Schengen space

SCHENGEN SPACE (as of January 1, 2020):

Austria - Belgium - Czech Republic - Denmark - Estonia - Finland - France - Germany - Greece - Hungary - Iceland - Italy - Latvia - Lithuania - Luxembourg - Malta - Netherlands - Norway - Poland - Portugal - Slovakia - Slovenia - Spain - Sweden - Switzerland - Liechtenstein.

Countries soon in the Schengen area: Romania and Bulgaria. The presentation of the passport for applicants from these two countries is currently compulsory.

Associated countries for which the national identity card is sufficient: Ireland - Iceland - Norway - United Kingdom - Switzerland.

  • espace